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    EASY Noise Control

    Sound barrier mats

    EASYmass sound barrier mats offer a high mass at low thickness. This makes them ideal to weight and to increase the noise-insulating value of plates, floors and ducts. The mats are composed of a polymer filled with the natural mineral barium sulphate. No heavy metals or bitumen are incorporated in these mats.

    What do mass sheets do?

    Mass sheets, as the name suggests, add mass to something (such as floors and walls), improving the insulation value. The greater the mass of the surface you add, the higher the insulation value becomes.

    Mass sheets are made of plastic and are suitable for improving the sound insulation of plastic material, wood, steel, and aluminum.

    Sound barrier mass sheets

    EASYmass Sound Barrier Mass Sheets are suitable for various applications. Consider the sound insulation of floors, ventilation shafts, and pipes. They are also suitable for noise reduction in generators, engines, machines, and compressors.

    No heavy bitumen or metals are present in the sound barrier mat. The mats are filled with polymer and the mineral barium sulfate which is natural.

    Sound barrier floor mat

    With the EASYmass Sound barrier floor mat, preventing driving noise becomes easy. The mat can be used in cabins and vehicles thanks to its flexibility. The floor mat has a dimension of 200 x 140 cm and is made of polyvinyl chloride material. In addition, the mat has a synthetic leather layer, which also makes the mat aesthetically appealing.

    Pipe Insulation

    To reduce flow noise in drainage pipes and standpipes, we developed EASYmass pipe insulation. It is also an excellent alternative to traditional lead-based products. The product is easy to shape into curves and bends thanks to its aluminum mesh core.

    PLEASE NOTE: EASYmass may have a slight vinyl odor.