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    EASY Noise Control
    Fotopaneel en plafondeiland woning - akoestiek woonkamer verbeteren

    Improve the acoustics in your home

    Every house and every interior is different and the same applies to the placement of the acoustic solutions in order to create the best result. In many cases, a combination of ceiling and wall solutions is desired for good acoustics in your home.

    The importance of improving acoustics in the home

    Improving acoustics in the home contributes enormously to the enjoyment of living.

    Poor acoustics in the home come at the expense of intelligibility, quietness and well-being. Frequently asked questions when it comes to acoustics in the home:

    How much acoustic material is needed?

    For a noticeable improvement in acoustics, it is important to provide enough hard surfaces in the room with sound-absorbing material. How much material is needed varies from room to room.

    Where do I place the material?

    Walls and ceiling are the most logical slices. Ideally, place facilities close to the sound source. Above the table or behind the sofa.

    Specific reflections and places

    Placing sound-absorbent material as close as possible to the places where you spend a lot of time or where an improvement in acoustics is most desirable increases acoustic comfort in these places.

    Acoustic materials

    There are many acoustic solutions. Often, acoustic solutions come in prominent places in the home. It is important that the solution fits into your interior and your style.

    The best-selling solutions

    For good home acoustics

    The application of sufficient noise-absorbent material is important to create a clearly audible improvement in the acoustics. The quantity of material needed differs for each space. Frequently used solutions are photo panels on the wall and acoustic ceiling elements.

    • EASY ceiling element
    • EASYphoto wall panel
    • Ceiling panel direct

    Studio/HiFi acoustics

    The acoustics in a studio or listening room should be perfect.

    Investing in acoustics will help you get a lot more out of your equipment and speakers. And did you know that studio acoustics don't have to be that complicated at all? Check out the solutions page Improving Studio/HiFi Acoustics for more solutions and advice for your studio or listening room.

    Studio/HiFi - akoestische plafondeilanden

    Noise pollution devices

    A vibrating washing machine or a fridge that hums?

    Annoying noise caused by your appliances is quite easy to solve. With a small investment, you already have a damper under your washing machine. On this page, you will find various tips and solutions. You can also come to us for the noise of a pump, a ticking pipe. We also offer quiet ventilation

    Geluidshinder apparaten - wasmachine

    Request for advice

    Experience different solutions in our showroom

    If you would like more information about our acoustic products or their application, you can always call or send us a message. Our acoustic experts will be happy to help you and always know what to do!

    Wesley website

    Wesley Schonherr

    Acoustic specialist

    Specialist advice from our staff
    Showroom with our products
    On-site acoustic measurement

    Please feel free to send us a request