Improving acoustics in a factory
In a factory there are often many sound sources which together determine the total noise level at the workstations. Some of these noise sources are variable in position (moving carts, employees with tools) or are impossible to reduce because they are inherent to the production process.
The acoustics in the factory contribute to the extent to which this noise is experienced. Reflections of sound waves against hard surfaces spread sound throughout the room and increase the sound level.
What is the advantage of good acoustics in a factory?
Four benefits
Better acoustics in your factory have benefits for employees, operators and other visitors. Acoustical solutions are needed and lead to:
Safe and productive workplace
Good acoustics provide better concentration and accuracy. Fewer mistakes are made and there is better communication.
Geringerer Lärmpegel
Bessere Akustik bedeutet weniger "Resonanzkörper-Effekt". Der Geräuschpegel nimmt in einiger Entfernung von der Quelle ab.
Satisfied employees
A comfortable environment due to less noise. Improved communication makes work a lot more pleasant.
Healthy workplace
A pleasant acoustic environment ensures less fatigue, less stress and less cramped posture. In addition, it can reduce the risk of hearing damage.
The best-selling solutions
For good acoustics in a factory
Practical solutions with efficient and effective operation that are also quick to assemble and dismantle. At EASY Noise Control we have various products in our range that are ideal for the use in factories.
- EASY ceiling elements
- EASYbaffle
- EASYpanel sandwich panels
EASYindustry Ceiling | Acoustic ceiling element
Sound absorption
- For industrial application
- Brushed aluminium frame (not anodised)
- Different suspension heights possible
EASYindustry Wall | Acoustic wall panel
Sound absorption
- For industrial application
- Brushed aluminium frame (not anodised)
- Solid mounting
Request for advice
Practical and targeted advice
If you would like more information about our acoustic products or their application, you can always call or send us a message. Our acoustic experts will be happy to help you and always know what to do!
Robbert te Loeke
Acoustic specialist